Sunday 8 May 2011

Did I imagine it would be like this?

Summers Past. Friends Past.

I am terrified of change, I owe so much to it, and I crave it. It's a masochistic relationship.

Saturday 7 May 2011


Will I be a beauty bride,
Your shining light,
Your deepest pride,
Will I only be your best man

Holocaust and baptised,
Taste your lips and your thighs,
If Jesus was a girl you think I'd still be your man?

If mermaids didn't have no tails,
You'd be torn in ocean swells,
Glittering in your golden scales,
I'd still be your man

Will you make the sacrifice?
Hold my hand into the night,
Even if it's end of time,
The time is our time

Friday 6 May 2011

I Like You

I'm experimenting with different fonts, layouts, backrounds and photo ideas etc. as I think the appearance of a blog is as important as the useless things you're saying within it to strangers on the internet. But it also reflects the writer, and the ethics of the blog they're trying to portray. So what do I want people to think? "He's fun, bit cunty." maybe. That's fair and true. Or simply "I like you" as Amy Sedaris so eloquently put it. I also thought about writing styles and other writers as inspiration, as I consider my writing ability amateur at best. Shall I go Bridget Jones or Carrie Bradshaw?

"I've got to leave my current job because I've shagged my boss".


As for my current background, it's a photo of a photo from the SHOWstudio fashion revolution exhibit at Somerset house I went to last year.

such a lovely day

I chose it as my background, simply because its interesting, and controversial (To those against cocaine use anyway). It was next to a picture of Kate Moss talking to Jean Paul Gaultier and John Galiano, but I don't have a photo of that. And she wasn't doing drugs, she did that in the bathroom naturally. So i guess to conclude, this is what it will look like. Now for some posts.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

This Wheel's On Fire

We'll meet again, if your mem'ry serves you well. Darling.